Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Mew - La Maroquinerie - 12 Novembre 2009
Plein de collègues y étaient et ont su en parler mieux que moi. Je me suis régalé avant, pendant et après ... une bien belle soirée !
Mew - Beach (link removed) une excellente chanson du dernier album
Mew - Snow Brigade (link removed) une de mes préférées d'entre toutes
Check out Mew Discography. They also have pretty damn cool t-shirts.
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Distance Has The Way
12/28/2009 10:21:00 AM
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Saturday, December 26, 2009
One Month - One Plane - One Song / November 2009
The fabric of all the lonely
C-covering only
The fables and hands
The rest is out in the cold
Holding the last of the season
F-F-F-F freezin
My my my heart like a kick drum
My my heart like a kick drum
My my heart like a kick drum
My my love like a voice
We're walkin' into the field
We're walkin' into the forest
The moon is before us
Up above
We're holdin' hands in the rain
S-sayin words like I love you
Da-da do you love me?
My my my heart like a kick drum
My my heart like a kick drum
My my heart like a kick drum
My my love like a voice
Mother Mary heard us approaching her door
Though we didn't make a sound
There's nothing like finding gold
within the rocks or the coal
I'm so surprised to find more
Always surprised to find more
I won't look back anymore
I left the people that do
It's not the chase that I love
It's me following you
My my heart like a kick drum
My my heart like a kick drum
My my heart like a kick drum
My my love like a voice
My my heart like a kick drum

Buy The Avett Brother's awesome new album "I and Love and You"
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Distance Has The Way
12/26/2009 04:32:00 PM
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Labellos : One Month - One Plane - One Song
Friday, December 18, 2009
Two Thousand and Eight
Énorme ! on est encore en 2009 et je livre ma liste des meilleurs sons de 2008 ...
1. The Mountain Goats - Heretic Pride
I made it through town somehow
But who’s going to save me now ?
How To Embrace A Swamp Creature (link removed)
2. The New Year - The New Year
To drink more, and laugh more, and sleep more, and dream more
MMV (link removed)
And i never hated you
Poke (link removed)

I woke up in the age of wires
I fell asleep at the dusk of man
Souled Out !!! (link removed)

So, take me, I'm yours, morning starship
Bruce Wayne Campbell Interviewed On The Roof Of The Chelsea Hotel, 1979 (link removed)
Varirnar brenndu, höldumst í hendur
Ég sé þig vakinn
Ég sé þig nakinn
Inní mér syngur vitleysingur
A soft hum from my dream marquee
To bring a... to string along!
With all your lies,
You're still very lovable.

And all of the tics & tocs & clicks of clocks
That tell the time tell me this is just a phase
Barnacle Goose (link removed)
Into the brisk late October
Lost Verses (link removed)

His honor drove southward seeking exotica
Down to the Pueblo huts of New Mexico
Cut his teeth on turquoise harmonicas
Oh oh oh
A-Punk (link removed)

Decision to decisions are made and not bought
But I thought this wouldn’t hurt a lot, I guess not

Or the fact that you racists are full of shit
I've got the sweet sugar but that's it.
Tell Me What It's Worth (link removed)
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Distance Has The Way
12/18/2009 12:33:00 AM
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Labellos : Lists
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Berlin Moments
Pearl Jam - Amongst The Waves (link removed)
Buy some good old PJ
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Distance Has The Way
12/15/2009 12:28:00 AM
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Labellos : Moments
Saturday, December 05, 2009
I love this 'Ambling Alp' song !
2009 Yeasayer - Ambling Alp directed by Radical Friend.
Yeassayer - Ambling Alp (link removed)
Buy Yeasayer latest single "Ambling Alp" and watch out for the forthcoming album Odd Blood out on February 9th.
Brought to you by
Distance Has The Way
12/05/2009 04:11:00 PM
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Labellos : Bands, I love this song
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Poker Face
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Distance Has The Way
11/18/2009 08:57:00 AM
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Saturday, November 07, 2009
One Month - One Plane - One Song / October 2009

King Saul fell on his sword
When it all went wrong
And Joseph's brother sold him down the river
For a song
And Sonny Liston rubbed some tiger balm in his glove
some things you do for money
and some you do for love love love
Raskalnikov felt sick
But he couldn't say why
When he saw his face reflected
In his victim's twinkling eye
Some things you do for money
And some you'll do for fun
But the things you do for love
Are gonna come back to you one by one
Love love is gonna lead you by the hand
Into a white and soundless place
Now we see this
As in a mirror dimly
Then we shall see each other
Face to face
And way out in Seattle
Young Kurt Cobain
Snuck out to the garden
Put a bullet in his brain
Snakes in the grass beneath our feet
Rain in the clouds above
Some moments last forever
And some flare out with love love love

Brought to you by
Distance Has The Way
11/07/2009 12:33:00 PM
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Labellos : One Month - One Plane - One Song
Monday, November 02, 2009
Au théatre ce soir ...
Si vous cherchez un truc sympa à aller voir au théâtre, je vous conseille ça ...
Brought to you by
Distance Has The Way
11/02/2009 10:45:00 PM
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Labellos : Theatre
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I love this song !
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Distance Has The Way
10/27/2009 08:40:00 AM
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Labellos : Bands, I love this song
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Cribs - Le Nouveau Casino - 15 Septembre 2009
Le précédent album des Cribs fait clairement partie de mes préférés de 2007. J'avais pas trop suivi leur actu mais en Septembre ça se bouscule : nouvel album avec Johnny Marr dans le line up et concert au Nouveau Casino.
Les nouvelles compos sont pas mal on retrouve ce qui a fait le charme de "Men's needs ..." : de belles mélodie saturées, un discours direct avé l'accent et des chorus qui font mouche a chaque fois.
Ce qu'on peut pas leur enlever à ces ptits gars c'est qu'ils y vont avec les tripes a fond du début à la fin, un peu kamikaze quand même et du coup des fois la sortie de route a du mal à être évitée. On a eu la chance d'entendre des titres de "Men's Needs ..." et la ça frappe comme une évidence, ces titres la sont quand même d'un autre niveau !
Anyway on passe un bon moment sans se prendre la tête, l'apport de Marr est pas forcement évident mais c'est cool de voir jouer une "légende" à ce que tout le monde dit (honnêtement je me suis mis aux Smiths il y a 15 jours donc je suis pas en mesure de vraiment juger). Une heure de set, court mais quand même intense pour les organismes, je comprend les mecs ...
The Cribs - Cheat On Me (link removed)
The Cribs - City Of Bugs (link removed)
Buy the Cribs
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Distance Has The Way
10/24/2009 10:38:00 AM
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009
One Month - One Plane - One Song / September 2009
But I took a wrong turn there
For I zigged when I should have zagged
It’s a sombre turn-out tonight in chemistry class
Tragedy in our park
Something happened in the dark
We brought raincoats and pretty charms
And I did remember this time to keep it inside
Then we kept the water still
On the broken window sill
For if not, we’d have to move
It is sweet outside
Where it seems magical
And if nothing works
We’ll do nothing
I hope we’re on time
And we shouldn’t look at the sky
The perilous light
We were not allowed outside
And no-one could tell us why
I got worried, with shaky hands
So we said the words that we kept for worrying times
I was on my way, I swear
But I lost my way somewhere
And the trees were listening
From the sill is trickling water when the rain returns
We have our suspicions, thinking what my heart confirms
It is sweet outside
Where it seems magical
And if nothing works
We’ll do nothing
Save yourself tonight
Asleep in the dark
I hope we’re on time
Mew - Beach (link removed)

Buy Mew - No More Stories Are Told Today I'm Sorry They Washed Away No More Stories The World Is Grey I'm Tired Let's Wash Away
Brought to you by
Distance Has The Way
10/20/2009 07:54:00 PM
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Labellos : One Month - One Plane - One Song
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Odd Covers Number 5 : Nine Inch Nails Vs. Johnny Cash
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Distance Has The Way
10/18/2009 04:22:00 PM
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Labellos : Odd Covers
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Southern Moments
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Distance Has The Way
10/07/2009 02:44:00 AM
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Labellos : Moments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
One Month - One Plane - One Song / August 2009
Hanging around the mall and all.
Each penny numbs the pain
Sends you gently for the fall.
I followed you last night,
I saw you turn your lights out.
I knew it wasn't right, but watched in fear and doubt.
It's got to be that way.
Going, going, gone.
What did you do today?
Going, going, gone.
Look good in that red dress.
I bet the boyfriend's happy.
Your face is scarred with age,
You're 23 but how can that be?
Still hooked cellophane,
Killing time with gin and lime.
Each second numbs the pain
Love is just another, right?.
It's got to be that way.
Going, going, gone.
I'm scared but I'm okay.
It's got to be that way.
Going, going, gone.
I'm scared but I'm okay.
Going, going, gone.
There is no where to move on.
All I see, yeah
All I see
All I see yeah, thats me, everywhere
Thats me.
Brought to you by
Distance Has The Way
9/17/2009 12:16:00 AM
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Labellos : One Month - One Plane - One Song
Monday, September 07, 2009
NYC Moments
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Distance Has The Way
9/07/2009 09:49:00 PM
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Labellos : Moments
Saturday, September 05, 2009
AC/DC - Stade de France - 12 Juin 2009
Géant ce groupe ... du grand délire, la démesure du hard de notre enfance.
- Quelle voix !!
- Angus, c'est quoi ce mec ? ... ca fait quoi ? au moins 40 balais qu'il monte sur scène avec le même costume d'écolier ? What the fuck dude ? j'essayais pendant le concert de visualiser mon père a sa place ... ça le fait pas !
- Quel métier ces mecs là ! vous avez remarqué la section rythmique, le jeu de scène millimétrée de Malcolm Young et de Cliff Williams. Les mecs font des allers retours incessants entre devant de la scène et arrière toujours sur la même ligne en fonction des parties jouées ... machinal, simple, efficace.
- la cloche géante de Hells Bells et les coups de canons franchement c'est trop les gars, merci fallait pas ...

AC/DC - Fire Your Guns (link removed)
Brought to you by
Distance Has The Way
9/05/2009 02:00:00 PM
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