Autant depuis le début de l'année je n'ai pas trouvé un disque phénomènal, autant ce weekend j'ai fait pas mal de découvertes.
Je voulais faire partager ce petit groupe Danois :Mew. J'arrive pas à decrocher. Au depart j'etais rebuté par le nom de peur d'avoir affaire un disque de cris d'animaux mais bon...
A l'ecoute voila ce qui me venait à l'esprit : The Knife, Ben Folds, Interpol '2.0', Sigur ros, Coldplay, Tool, Europe :)

It’s a terrific accomplishment, and it’s tempting to imagine one reason why-- that these guys are playing not out of fashion, but out of pure belief. What’s stranger is to imagine how this fashion-bucking record could pull fans from so many different classes of listener: arty cloud-buster for Coldplay fans, sensitive hard-rock opus for Guitar Center techies and Dream Theater devotees, a masterpiece for people who haven’t smoked weed yet but are thinking about it, Bambi-faced European dreamers to match the unicorn poster on the wall. For our readers-- at a time when indie rock is enamored of scratchy post-punk minimalism, and even a grand-ambition pop act like Bloc Party pretends to be bristly-- this could be the escape of the year, a curve off into the lush, ambitious stargazing that used to happen all the time. No matter which direction listeners come from on this one, they’ll find the same thing: If you’re up for that fairy-tale rock glory, these guys have it down.Mew - Apocalypso (link removed)
Mew - Special (link removed)