Friday, May 27, 2005


Sarko s'est fait pécho. Et Villepin a laché le morceau.

Nico a fauté avec son medecin traitant et Cécilia est tombé sur un SMS douteux sur le portable de son nabot de mari.

Ah, le coup du SMS, un grand classique pourtant, comment un stratege, futur président a t il pu tomber dans le piege si facilement ?

Enfin voila un petit texto et c'est fini, cécilia s'est barré avec un Clooney de seconde zone en Italie et demande le divorce.

trop fort non ?

merci a elgann pour l'info !!

27.5.05 01:53


J'adore ...

Space Invaders
27.5.05 01:47

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

She runs through my veins like a long black river

Lord, I miss that girl
On the day we met the sun was shining down
Down on the valley
Riddled with horses running
Crushing them with flowers
I would have picked for her
On the day she was born
She runs through my veins like a long black river
And rattles my cage like a thunderstorm
Oh my soul

What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean to be so sad?
When someone you love
Someone you love is supposed to make you happy
What do you do
How do you keep love alive?

When it won't
What, what are the words
They use when they know it's over
"We need to talk," or
"I'm confused, maybe later you can come over"
I would've held your mother's hand
On the day you was born
She runs through my veins
Like a long black river and rattles my cage
Like a thunderstorm
Oh, my soul

What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean to be so sad?
When someone you love
Someone you love is supposed to make you happy
What do you do
How do you keep love alive?

When it won't
How do you keep love alive?

17.5.05 00:20


De retour de Gwada, je me suis perforé le tympan en allant chercher un corail en apnée.

Je suis a moitié sourd mais bronzé.

17.5.05 00:19

Monday, May 02, 2005

I'm lost I thank God I'm lost

Elgann m'a telechargé un les sessions Suicide Handbook de Ryan Adams, c'est beau, c'est vraiement ce qu'il fait de mieux....

2.5.05 22:01